Ordering Info

You can use the filter below to see books which are most relevant to you.
e.g. click on “Beginner Beekeepers” to see the beginner books.

Befriending Bumble Bees/Raising Guide $ 28.00

Befriending Bumble Bees/Raising Guide $ 28.00

Hot Honey Cookbook: $20.00

Hot Honey Cookbook: $20.00

Wild Honey Bees: $40.00

Wild Honey Bees: $40.00

Honeybee Anatomy Brought to Life: $60.00

Honeybee Anatomy Brought to Life: $60.00

THE BEEING $ 50.00

THE BEEING $ 50.00

Honey Bee Biology Beekeeping Third Edition

Honey Bee Biology Beekeeping Third Edition

The Complete Bee Handbook: $32.00

The Complete Bee Handbook: $32.00

The Pollen Landscape: $ 39.00

The Pollen Landscape: $ 39.00

ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture: $79.00

ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture: $79.00

The Honey Cookbook: $25

The Honey Cookbook: $25

Keeping Bees Alive: Sustainable Beekeeping Essentials: $34.00

Keeping Bees Alive: Sustainable Beekeeping Essentials: $34.00

Common Sense Natural Beekeeping: $ 29.00

Common Sense Natural Beekeeping: $ 29.00

Honey from the Earth $75.00

Honey from the Earth $75.00

Pollen and Nectar Producing Trees of the Great Lakes and the Northeast Poster $23.00

Pollen and Nectar Producing Trees of the Great Lakes and the Northeast Poster $23.00

The Hive and the Honey Bee $70.00

The Hive and the Honey Bee $70.00

Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Diseases $79.00

Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Diseases $79.00

Make Mead Like A Viking $29.00

Make Mead Like A Viking $29.00

Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees $29.00

Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees $29.00

The Hidden Life of Trees $29.00

The Hidden Life of Trees $29.00

Health and the Honey Bee $20.00

Health and the Honey Bee $20.00

Bee $24.00

Bee $24.00

What Do You Know? 99.00

What Do You Know? 99.00

Beehive Alchemy $30.00

Beehive Alchemy $30.00

The Compleat Meadmaker: $30.00

The Compleat Meadmaker: $30.00

Package Essentials: Production, Installation, Management: $28.00

Package Essentials: Production, Installation, Management: $28.00

Flower Power: Establishing Pollinator Habitat: $29.00

Flower Power: Establishing Pollinator Habitat: $29.00

The Lives of Bees: The Untold Story of the Honey Bee in the Wild: $37.00

The Lives of Bees: The Untold Story of the Honey Bee in the Wild: $37.00

Periodic Table of Honey Long Sleeve-Shirt

Periodic Table of Honey Long Sleeve-Shirt

Periodic Table of Honey Sweat Shirt

Periodic Table of Honey Sweat Shirt

Periodic Table of Honey T-Shirt

Periodic Table of Honey T-Shirt

Mead and Honey Wines: $35.00

Mead and Honey Wines: $35.00

Foraging Afar $25.00

Foraging Afar $25.00

Do You Speak Bee? $29.00

Do You Speak Bee? $29.00

A Closer Look: Basic Honey Bee Biology: $39.00

A Closer Look: Basic Honey Bee Biology: $39.00

BeeCabulary Essentials: $34.00

BeeCabulary Essentials: $34.00

100 Plants To Feed The Bees: $23.00

100 Plants To Feed The Bees: $23.00

A Year’s Work in an Out-Apiary: $25.00

A Year’s Work in an Out-Apiary: $25.00

Apiculture for the 21st Century: $25.00

Apiculture for the 21st Century: $25.00

Asian Apiculture: $25.00

Asian Apiculture: $25.00

Bee Equipment Essentials: $25.00

Bee Equipment Essentials: $25.00

Bee Sex Essentials: $25.00

Bee Sex Essentials: $25.00

Bee-sentials: A Field Guide: $28.00

Bee-sentials: A Field Guide: $28.00

Beekeeper’s Lab: $30.00

Beekeeper’s Lab: $30.00

Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey: $28.00

Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey: $28.00

Beeswax Alchemy: $30.00

Beeswax Alchemy: $30.00

Beeswax Crafting: $25.00

Beeswax Crafting: $25.00

Beeswax: Production, Harvesting, Processing and Products: $25.00

Beeswax: Production, Harvesting, Processing and Products: $25.00

Breeding the Honeybee: $32.00

Breeding the Honeybee: $32.00

Bumble Bees of North America: `$34.00

Bumble Bees of North America: `$34.00

Comb Honey Production: $26.00

Comb Honey Production: $26.00

Diagnosing Bee Mites: $20.00

Diagnosing Bee Mites: $20.00

Following the Wild Bees: The Craft and Science of Bee Hunting: $26.00

Following the Wild Bees: The Craft and Science of Bee Hunting: $26.00

Garden Plants for Honey Bees:

Garden Plants for Honey Bees:

History of American Beekeeping: $30.00

History of American Beekeeping: $30.00

Honey Bees of Borneo: Exploring the Centre of Apis Diversity: $60.00

Honey Bees of Borneo: Exploring the Centre of Apis Diversity: $60.00

Honey Shows: Guidelines for exhibitors, superintendents, and judges: $15.00

Honey Shows: Guidelines for exhibitors, superintendents, and judges: $15.00

Honeybee Democracy: $37.00

Honeybee Democracy: $37.00

Honeybee Ecology: A Study of Adaptation in Social Life: $78.00

Honeybee Ecology: A Study of Adaptation in Social Life: $78.00

If I Could Sit on a Bee’s Knees: $21.00

If I Could Sit on a Bee’s Knees: $21.00

Increase Essentials, Second Edition: $28.00

Increase Essentials, Second Edition: $28.00

Making Mead (Honey Wine): History, Recipes, Methods and Equipment $20.00

Making Mead (Honey Wine): History, Recipes, Methods and Equipment $20.00

Mating biology of honey bees (Apis mellifera): $34.00

Mating biology of honey bees (Apis mellifera): $34.00

Pollinator Friendly Gardening: Gardening for Bees, Butterflies, and Other Pollinators: $26.00

Pollinator Friendly Gardening: Gardening for Bees, Butterflies, and Other Pollinators: $26.00

Pollinator Protection: $32.00

Pollinator Protection: $32.00

Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding: $50.00

Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding: $50.00

Queen Rearing Essentials, Second Edition: $25.00

Queen Rearing Essentials, Second Edition: $25.00

Rearing Queen Honey Bees: Second Edition $20.00

Rearing Queen Honey Bees: Second Edition $20.00

Safe to Chew: An Anthology $21.00

Safe to Chew: An Anthology $21.00

Scientific Queen-Rearing: $23.00

Scientific Queen-Rearing: $23.00

In Search of the Best Strains of Bees: $32.00

In Search of the Best Strains of Bees: $32.00

Swarm Essentials: $25.00

Swarm Essentials: $25.00

The Backyard Beekeeper: $29.00

The Backyard Beekeeper: $29.00

The Bee: A Natural History: $34.00

The Bee: A Natural History: $34.00

The Beekeeper’s Handbook 5th Edition: $60.00

The Beekeeper’s Handbook 5th Edition: $60.00

The Beekeeper’s Problem Solver: $25.00

The Beekeeper’s Problem Solver: $25.00

The Bees In Your Backyard: $37.00

The Bees In Your Backyard: $37.00

Piping Hot Bees and Boisterous Buzz-Runners: $30.00

Piping Hot Bees and Boisterous Buzz-Runners: $30.00

The Complete Guide to Making Mead: $30.00

The Complete Guide to Making Mead: $30.00

The Flower and the Bee: Plant Life and Pollination: $25.00

The Flower and the Bee: Plant Life and Pollination: $25.00

The Hive and Honey Bee Revisited: $32.00

The Hive and Honey Bee Revisited: $32.00

Understanding Bee Anatomy: a full colour guide: $55.00

Understanding Bee Anatomy: a full colour guide: $55.00