Safe to Chew: An Anthology


Authors or Editors:
Lawrence J. Connor, Randy Kim, Robert G. Muir
Ideal For:
All Readers
Wicwas Press
Perfect Bound (Paper)
6″ x 9″

Every beekeeper has a story to tell.

Safe to Chew is a collection of essays, stories and poems from beekeepers and enthusiasts designed to appeal to lifelong readers from all walks of life. Practical essays, personal narratives and fantasies explore subjects spanning the breadth of beekeeping through the generations, touching on themes of innocent wonder, adventure, family, unusual perspectives and learning the hard lessons that accompany man’s ancient obsession. Enthusiastically compiled by the editors at Wicwas Press, this anthology celebrates the culture and inspiration that has arisen from the beloved, enigmatic and imperiled honey bee.

Safe to Chew is also available as an ebook through the Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks Stores!

Enjoy all the same content in a portable, affordable, preview-able format!