Keeping Bees Alive: Sustainable Beekeeping Essentials


Author: Lawrence John Connor
Ideal for: Beginning Beekeepers, Established Beekeepers, Specialty
Publisher: Wicwas Press
Binding: Perfect Bound
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
ISBN: 978-1-878075-58-1



In five decades entomologist Dr. Larry Connor has been a university professor, run a bee-breeding program, and become established as a key voice in the beekeeping world. He has written dozens of articles for bee journals and a number of books, including Increase Essentials, Bee Sex Essentials, Queen Rearing Essentials, Bee-sentials: A Field Guide, Swarm Essentials (with Steve Repasky), and Honey Bee Biology & Beekeeping (with Dewey Caron). In his newest book, Connor discusses sustainable beekeeping, looking at the causes of colony loss and detailing how to keep colony numbers stable and growing. He also reviews concepts of biodynamic beekeeping.

“Keeping Bees Alive is A Great Book! Easy to read with piles of useful information covering all areas of beekeeping. This book will help all—from beekeepers with one hive in the backyard, growing sideliners, to the large commercial beekeeper. Great reading!”

– David Westervelt, Florida State Apiarist, Retired

“Keeping Bees Alive over the winter with productive queens and low numbers of mites is unarguably the most challenging aspect of keeping bees today. While there is no one way to keep bees, restarting colonies that die out is not particularly enjoyable. Keeping Bees Alive clearly and thoroughly details how backyard beekeepers can refocus and recapture the fun and joy of sustainably keeping bees.”

– Dr. Dewey M. Caron, University of Delaware Emeritus Professor