Honey Bee Genetics and Breeding
Price: $75.00
Author: Robert E. Page Jr.
Ideal for: Specialty Genetics , Queen rearing, Established Beekeepers, Queen breeders, Scientists
Publisher: Wicwas Press
Binding: Hard Cover
Dimensions: 6″ by 9″
ISBN: 978-1-878075-64-2
Pages: 181
About the Book:
This book is intended to be read by bee enthusiasts, social insect researchers, and students. It could also be used as a companion to other books on queen rearing. It focuses on fundamental genetics as they relate to breeding, and the principles of breeding. Examples of successful and unsuccessful breeding programs are presented, each demonstrating the application of breeding theory and principles. There are many claims made about breeding stocks of bees that are superior in some traits, be it honey production, defensive behavior, or disease resistance. Most of the claims are unsubstantiated. In this book, I have selected examples where the sources of the bees for the breeding program, mating designs, assays used for evaluation, methods of selection, and results of valid tests are clearly presented. This is not to say that other breeding programs have not been successful, but if the methods cannot be replicated and the claims are not validated, they are of little value to a book like this.
About the Author:
Professor Robert Page is a renowned expert on honey bee genetics. His research has focused on the behavior and genetics of honey bees. His research is outlined in his three books “Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding” (Wicwas Press 1997, with Harry H. Laidlaw), “The Spirit of the Hive: The Mechanisms of Social Evolution,” (Harvard University Press 2013) and “The Art of the Bee: Shaping the Environment from Landscapes to Societies” (Oxford University Press 2020).
Professor Page is University Professor, Regents Professor Emeritus, and University Provost Emeritus at Arizona State University and Distinguished Emeritus Professor and Department Chair Emeritus at the University of California Davis. He is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Brazilian Academy of Science, Leopoldina—the German National Academy of Science, and the California Academy of Science. He was awarded the Humboldt Research Prize, is a Fellow of the Entomological Society of America, and recipient of both the Eastern and Western Apicultural Society Research Awards. Professor Page retired in 2019 but continues to engage audiences, sharing his knowledge of the genetics and behavior of honey bees.